Category: United States

  • Wreck Diving North Carolina’s Graveyard of the Atlantic

    Wreck Diving North Carolina’s Graveyard of the Atlantic

    After our ill-fated attempt to dive the caves of north Florida, we needed a Plan B if we were to salvage our trip. Armed with cell phones and hope, the three of us piled into our go-kart of a rental car and started the nine-hour drive north, making calls to dive shops and charter boats…

  • Why I Dive: Sea Lion Edition

    Why I Dive: Sea Lion Edition

    People ask me all the time why I dive here in California. Maybe they’ve gone for a dive or a snorkel in Hawaii or the Caribbean, and they know the water here is so much colder and darker and less clear. I’ve lost count of how many times they’ve asked, incredulously, “Is there anything to…

  • Let’s go cave diving! Actually, let’s not.

    Let’s go cave diving! Actually, let’s not.

    I’m still in a hurricane frame of mind from last week. Prior to Irene in August of 2011, I hadn’t really ever given hurricanes much thought. Those are east coast things that happen in east coast places, and being a primarily west coast kind of girl, they just didn’t factor much. Until Irene of course. And…

  • I don’t always solo dive, but when I do, I’m liable to spend eight minutes at three feet with a kelp crab.

    I don’t always solo dive, but when I do, I’m liable to spend eight minutes at three feet with a kelp crab.

    On Saturday I got out for a much-needed fun dive in the Point Loma kelp. It felt like I hadn’t been in the water in a while, and it showed in my more-moronic-than-usual navigational skills. Mat and Nick were doing training dives for their rEvo rebreather class, and my initial intention was to watch them…

  • Point Loma Sailboat Wreck Debris Cleanup

    Point Loma Sailboat Wreck Debris Cleanup

    Update 2/2014: Although swells have long since reduced the Chelsea Lee wreck to a debris field, the rocky reef structure at the wreck site remains a favorite destination for divers due to its dramatic wall topography and rich marine life.   Cleanup of the Chelsea Lee Sailboat Wreck Yesterday, Marissa crew and friends went out to…

  • Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks at the Marine Room!

    Snorkeling with Leopard Sharks at the Marine Room!

    Yeah, I usually dive. But it was a sunny day, and the shallow water was clear. And who wants to put on a drysuit and carry all that heavy scuba equipment across the beach in the hot sun? Not me, not yesterday. But the leopard sharks have moved in at La Jolla. And I had…

  • Operation: Black Sea Nettle is a success!

    Operation: Black Sea Nettle is a success!

    One of my (many) favorite things about scuba diving in San Diego is the constant turnover of animal populations. I’ve lived and dove here for less than a year, and already I’ve been witness to the market squid run and the bat ray invasion. I was there when the juvenile rockfish moved in at La Jolla Shores,…

  • Lobster Diving La Jolla’s Marine Street Beach, California

    Lobster Diving La Jolla’s Marine Street Beach, California

    Tuesday evening I met up with the Power Scuba folks for a recon shore dive at Marine Street Beach in La Jolla. Someone got the fine idea that this site might be a good spot for lobster diving when the season opens in the winter, so we went down to check it out. It was…

  • Diving San Diego’s Wreck Alley and Kelp Forest

    Diving San Diego’s Wreck Alley and Kelp Forest

    I spent Memorial Day diving with my friends at San Diego dive boat Marissa Charters in Wreck Alley and the Point Loma kelp beds. It’s always nice to be out on the boat, but Monday was amazing! We had great weather topside and pretty good visibility out on our dives!   HMCS Yukon HMCS Yukon is a…