Tag: macro

  • Nudibranchs: The Sea Lemon

    Nudibranchs: The Sea Lemon

    Anisodoris nobilis, or the noble dorid nudibranch, is also known as the sea lemon. This name is not only attributable to its yellow color, but apparently also to a citrusy smell it can give off when it is handled. Unlike many tinier nudibranchs, the sea lemon can reach up to around five inches in length.…

  • Nudibranchs: Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Nudibranchs: Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    After more than a month out of the water, and two months out of the cold California water, I finally got to go diving again! We spent the weekend on the Horizon dive boat diving San Clemente Island and the kelp beds of Point Loma, San Diego. I saw lots of sea lions and a…

  • Raindrops


    I appreciate the irony in the fact that while people back in Vermont are skiing in 70-degree sunshine, snow levels here in Southern California have dropped to 2000′. Here at the beach, though, we’re only getting rain.

  • Eyes


    This week’s project 52 theme: eyes. So I took a selfie.